Vary Harness - Black
Vary Harness - Black
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The dishes that grow with you!
The Vary harness is made of a soft special fabric and is an adjustable dog harness that is ideal for adult dogs as well as young dogs. It is adjustable at the neck, sternum and bottom of the chest.
Due to the cut, the shoulder blade, shoulder and elbow joints are always free and the dog can move freely. Thanks to the ergonomic cut, the abdominal straps can be adjusted very loosely and the dog never feels any pressure on the spine. Grossenbacher uses high-quality, stable buckles that can withstand a tearing force of 90 to 130 kilograms.
For everyday use, we recommend attaching the leash to the rear ring only. If there is a pull on the leash and the harness, this is optimally distributed over the dog's body. The dog's sensitive neck remains free, the spine does not feel any pressure.
In order to lead the dog briefly, the two carabiners of the leash can each be attached to the front ring and one to the rear ring.
We recommend using the front ring alone for educational purposes ONLY – e.g. B. in the dog park. Because if the train only comes to the front ring, the harness is pulled up on the neck and presses on the dog's windpipe like a collar.
The essentials in brief:
Adjustable, harness grows with the dog
Full freedom of movement of shoulder and elbow
Ergonomic fit
Constructed like the century old and original collar harness
Withstands high tensile forces with ease
Made in Europe
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