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SoulMate No.1 - Relaxation and calming spray

SoulMate No.1 - Relaxation and calming spray

Regular price CHF 29.90
Regular price Sale price CHF 29.90
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Traditional medicinal herbs: lemon balm & hops

Lemon balm and hops are said to have a special effect in treating restlessness, nervousness and reducing stress. Hops are used in particular as an admixture and in combination with other active ingredients such as lemon balm. The exact mechanism of action of hops has not yet been conclusively clarified scientifically. However, it is believed that the bitter substances and the essential oils in hops are the reasons for the calming effect. Lemon balm is primarily used for restlessness and irritability. The leaves are used for medicinal purposes. In combination with hops it has a particularly calming effect.

Each product from the SOULMATE range is individually composed by Swiss medicinal herb specialists with decades of experience according to scientific and hytotherapeutic criteria from organic Swiss herbal condensate and Alpine herb extracts. The unique manufacturing process is completely geared towards promoting the “Anima”, i.e. the life force. Soulmate is energized using quartz vibrations using a scientific process. The entire manufacturing process takes place in Switzerland.

Ingredients: Organic Swiss Alpine herbal condensate and herbal extracts – hops, lemon balm and alpine roses.

Easy to apply

It's easy to use, just rub your hands together intensively for a few seconds until they are pleasantly warm and the flow of energy is stimulated. Then spray 5-8 sprays of SoulMate onto your palms and then gently stroke your pet's head, back or sides. It can be applied daily as often as necessary (depending on the animal). You can also spray the sleeping area or the transport box with it (the smell itself also has a very calming effect on the animals).

SOULMATE N°1 has a gentle effect and is well tolerated. It is a sedative made from traditional medicinal herbs from the Swiss Alps, 100 percent organic and vegan. It strengthens the self-healing powers through its positive, subtle influence on the organism.

When should it be used? Signs of stress:

  • Behavior change
  • Lack of interaction
  • Loss of appetite
  • Scratch
  • aggression

Stress can be triggered by the following situations:

  • New home
  • Fireworks
  • Routine changes
  • Changes in the home
  • New pet in the house
  • Loud noises
  • Visit to veterinarians
  • Travel
  • Loss of companion
  • separation

SoulMate No.1 is unique

Unlike other products, SoulMate No.1 does not contain water or oil, which can be difficult on the skin and fur of cats and dogs.

The entire manufacturing process takes place in Switzerland.

  • First results visible after a few days or weeks
  • Best results appear after 3 months

One bottle is enough for approx. 40 – 60 days

Made from traditional medicinal plants from the Alps – for dogs, cats and horses


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