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Organic Seaweed Meal

Organic Seaweed Meal

Regular price CHF 24.90
Regular price Sale price CHF 24.90
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100% organic seaweed meal from the Alga Ascophyllum Nodosum for dogs and cats

The seaweed Ascophyllum nodosum comes mainly from the coasts of the North Atlantic. It is both a natural source of iodine and a supplier of high amounts of various trace elements and minerals, including iron and magnesium. Seaweed meal from Ascophyllum nodosum is a very commonly used supplement for naturally meeting iodine needs, and with good reason.


Knotweed: The maritime superfood

The intake of iodine via their diet is indispensable for dogs. With fresh algae - similar to animal thyroid tissue - it often happens that the iodine content fluctuates greatly. That is why these brown algae are availablein dried form as a high-quality powder - with a constant iodine value. In addition to this trace element, which is indispensable for the body, kelp also contains a large number of other high-quality nutrients and is therefore suitable as a valuable addition to the dog's diet. Ascophyllum nodosum is very rich in iron, calcium, sodium, potassium, manganese, zinc, B vitamins and alginates. Alginate is an acidic polysaccharide that is used in medicine for wound healing, reflux and heartburn, among other things.


Seaweed flour: a nutrient bomb for dogs

Due to the wealth of vital micronutrients, the brown algae can make an important contribution to the basic care of your dog. The powdered kelp provides nourishment for fur and skin, tendons, muscles and connective tissue, but also strengthens the normal function of the immune system and cell metabolism and supports the gastrointestinal flora. Brown algae are available on the market as pellets, and kelp capsules are also quite common. However, the algae powder for dogs is the easiest to administer and most four-legged friends love both the smell and the taste of the sea.


Seaweed meal for dogs at a glance:

  • rich in essential micronutrients
  • fast regrowing
  • easy to dose
  • ecologically packaged in reusable amber glass jar




100% organic seaweed meal from the seaweed Ascophyllum nodosum

Analytical components and contents: 7.0% crude protein, 20.5% crude ash, 6.1% crude fat, 4.7% crude fibre, iodine content: 410 mg/kg




250 g




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