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Doggydolly Silk Coat - Oil

Doggydolly Silk Coat - Oil

Regular price CHF 19.90
Regular price Sale price CHF 19.90
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Doggydolly Silk Coat is a natural coat care for dogs and, if used regularly, prevents tangles and knots in the coat and has an antistatic effect.

The extraordinary dog ​​care product for the coat ensures a healthy brilliance and a silky smooth, shiny coat. In addition, Silk Coat gives the dog's hair natural volume. Vitamins, oils of natural origin and silk proteins give a wonderful shine and suppleness without being greasy.

Silk as the main component penetrates deep into the dog's hair/fur and cares for it from the inside. Because the amino acids contained in the silk correspond to the amino acids in the dog's fur and can therefore be optimally absorbed.

The dog fur is protected from UV rays and fading. Therefore, Silk Coat is also very suitable for black fur in summer. The richly contained vitamin E in Silk Coat repairs damaged dog hair and coat. Dry and chapped skin also receives moisture from grooming and becomes supple. Dandruff, which often occurs due to skin that is too dry, disappears. The dog's skin regulates itself.

Silk Coat is made exclusively from natural raw materials so that animals and the environment are not harmed.

This combination of silk fibres, vitamins and oils forms a professional and mild formula with the most important properties of dog care products and is therefore highly valued worldwide. A revolutionary method in dog fur care that creates high gloss and brilliance as well as silky soft hair and fur.

Silk Coat smells very pleasant and is often massaged into wet dog fur after a walk in the rain, so the typical "wet dog fur" smell can be avoided.

Grooming is used worldwide by professionals in dog salons and is recommended by leading dog salons.


  • Vitamin E for damaged coat, hair and skin
  • has an antistatic effect
  • prevents matting and knot formation
  • with natural oils and silk proteins
  • with UV protection
  • applicable in dry and wet fur
  • for soft, shiny fur
  • no greasy residue
  • pleasant, natural scent

Content : 85ml


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Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews
Corinne Heer
Toller Service

Danke alles hat wunderbar funktioniert, das bestellte Oel ist prompt geliefert worden, sehr liebevoll eingepackt. Danke, jederzeit wieder.

Barbara Malanowski-Casty
prompte Lieferung

Prompte Lieferung

Heinz Peter Lendi
Perfekter Service

Die bestellten Doggydolly trafen postwendend bei uns ein. Tolles Produkt, toller Service. Gerne immer wieder, da das feine Öl nicht nur gut riecht, es ist auch ein sehr gutes Pflegemittel bei der Fellpflege unseres Labradoodlemädchens Nougat !

Yvonne De Micheli
Doggydolly Silk Coat Oil

Ich liebe es 👍🏻

Angenehmer Geruch und wunderbar für das Fell

Dieses Silk Coat-Öl lindert das verfilzen und die Haare lassen sich besser auskämmen. Bestelle jederzeit wieder.