Görges Naturprodukte
Dental spray for dogs - Denta Clean & Care
Dental spray for dogs - Denta Clean & Care
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Easy care of teeth & gums - for fresh breath
- Reduces plaque formation
- Strengthens the tooth structure
- Supports gum health
- Fresh breath without a toothbrush
The coordinated recipe of the AniForte® Denta Clean & Care dental spray consists of various natural plant extracts, water and Dead Sea salt. The fresh-tasting dental spray cares for your dog's teeth and gums at the same time. The liquid formula makes mouth hygiene child's play and strong odors are actively counteracted - spray once a day and there's nothing standing in the way of extensive cuddling with your darling.
Advantages of the dental spray:
- With liquid calcium to support tooth structure
- Fresh breath - without toothbrush and toothpaste
- Improves oral hygiene and reduces plaque build-up
- Supports tooth and gum health
With the simple and economical use, you can easily improve the oral hygiene of your loved one by preventing plaque and promoting fresh breath. Thanks to the practical spray function, it also reaches hard-to-reach places in the mouth.
Since we use natural ingredients from plant extracts, the dental spray is suitable for dogs that can't tolerate everything. The AniForte® Denta Clean & Care Dental Spray is the liquid toothbrush for dogs - oral hygiene has never been easier! Give 1 - 2 sprays in the mouth or in the drinking water once a day.
We deliberately avoided flavors such as liver sausage to keep the product natural. Due to the largely tasteless recipe, it enjoys a high level of acceptance.
Our AniForte® products are manufactured in close cooperation with alternative animal practitioners, nutrition experts and veterinarians to support the healthy development of your animal.
Content: 100ml
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